Litchfield Park Tours

Locals consider Litchfield to be the little brother of Kakadu National Park and is certainly one of the best places in the Top End for bushwalking, camping and especially swimming, with waterfalls plunging into gorgeous, safe swimming holes.

Named after Frederick Henry Lichfield, explorer and member of the  Finniss Expedition  that travelled from South Australia in 1864 ,was the first European to have visited this area. The declaration of Litchfield as a Park occured in 1985 after the negotiation and surrender of pastoral leases to the Conservation Land Corporation.  

A Lost In Australia Litchfield tour offers travellers a wide range of activities such as hiking, swimming, 4wding and exploring. An easy two hour drive and accessable all year round by a two wheel drive vehicle makes it a perfect 1-2 day tour destination.

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